As a MetaMunk family we believe the project should be in the peoples hands. We will work every day to ensure we are listening to all of our community and creating polls as often as necessary. Some of the many things we can vote on are listed below:

● Changing percentages for allocation of the weekly buybacks.

● Potentially cancelling one weeks of buy backs to let more accumulate on the floor.

● Implementation to the metaverse (3d animations).

● Game development with funds, things such as casino or token utility.

● Changing royalties on the project

● Alpha chat with a financial advisor

● Etc. We have a full system on how new protocols can be implemented into our systems.

Process for a vote

Idea First we look for a high volume consensus which our members agree on. This is seen from one of our members bringing it up in the AMA meeting or chatting about it. We will make sure to see the opinions being put out there.

Consensus From that we will do a discord poll during an AMA and see if there is a decision to be made/changed.

Vote If it is a close match or everyone decides to change it then we will create a DAO vote for the holders which will last for 48 hours to give everyone time for their vote. Ultimately change whatever they feel needs changing in the project to further the growth!

Last updated