
-Name: Jordan Adams

-Age: 25

-Position: Founder/Art director

-Location: Michigan, USA


About me: I am a master in business, finance, and graphic design. I have been studying cryptocurrency since 2016 and Non-Fungible tokens for the past 2 years . What got me into wanting to be a web3 developer is seeing many non fungible projects not providing their community with real utility and not bringing together an organic community to go far and grow together. My plan is to make sure each holder benefits from MetaMunks short term, as well as long term.

-Name: John Henry

-Age: 24

-Location: Michigan, USA

-Position: Founder/ Marketing director


About me: First research on cryptocurrencies in 2016 which brought me to learn about NFTs and P2E games a little under two years ago. I have worked on a multitude of NFT projects in the past. Alongside have advertising experience from my own companies in online retail. Also two year internship at an immigration law firm which brought my interest into NFTs and ownership of an intangible asset.

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